Masonry Blog

with 3 Columns
    Do You Need a Coach? Good Revenue Coaching Yields $1 BILLION in New Business
    503 401 Shaun Alger

    I was in Vegas a few weeks ago, mixing a little business with pleasure. Saw The Chainsmokers at XS – amazing show. Anyway, I was hanging out with some very…

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    The Primary Predictor of Your Company’s Sales Health
    2200 1430 Shaun Alger

    I recently went in for my annual checkup. After noting my weight, height, pulse, pressure, and blood work, my doctor gave me a clean bill of health. I am fortunate,…

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    Lessons from my Pebble Beach Caddy
    1024 768 Shaun Alger

    Golf caddies. Most people view them either as teenagers looking to earn a few tips during the summer, or as a luxury only pro golfers use. Recently, I played a…

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    Volohaus Helps 17 Clients Earn Spots on Inc. 5000 List
    1196 844 Shaun Alger

    “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” —Albert Einstein Volohaus just had something very cool happen to us as a…

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    Get In Their Heads
    400 400 Shaun Alger

    Perception is reality. It’s as true in love as it is in media, politics, and business. And the ONLY perception that counts in sales is the one in your buyer’s…

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    June 23rd George Chamberlin Growth Event Registration
    800 600 Shaun Alger

    Date: Thursday June 23rd from 4:30pm to 6pm.     Location:  Lodge at Torrey Pines.  11480 N Torrey Pines Rd La Jolla, CA  92037 George Chamberlin from NBC “Money Matters” and experts discuss…

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    What I Learned from Being an AMG Race Car Driver
    640 480 Shaun Alger

    I recently had one of the most crazy, exhilarating experiences in my life. While it doesn’t beat getting married to my awesome wife, or witnessing the birth of each of…

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    Just Solve It!
    400 266 Shaun Alger

    This may sound weird. But I cannot fully express the utter joy of having shed certain components of the CEO role which I dreaded (and sucked at) while building some…

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    You are sick, dummy! Call a (revenue) doctor!
    400 229 Shaun Alger

    I keep finding my clients do not know they are sick. There is an old expression: “whistling past the graveyard.” It means to display a false sense of confidence in…

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    How to Develop Sales Grit and Live Life Like a Marathon, Not a Sprint.
    1024 1024 Shaun Alger

    “I want our whole organization to show off how to overcome stuff … I want us to demonstrate resilience, which is one of the foundations of grit. We’re going to…

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