Golf caddies. Most people view them either as teenagers looking to earn a few tips during the summer, or as a luxury only pro golfers use.
Recently, I played a round at Pebble Beach with some friend-clients. We got this caddy, Tommy. He’s a local legend, having been a caddy there for decades.
He started our talk by saying I am going to play the best round of my life.
A little skeptical, I nodded and smiled politely. He could tell I wasn’t really buying it.
So he got closer and really peered into my face. He told me I needed to trust him. That he has walked this course thousands of times. That he is a specialist on the grass, the weather, the golf swing, and human psychology.
Then he said, “Most importantly, I will never ask you to do something that you cannot do.”
I started thinking maybe the years of sun beating down on his head had finally fried his brain, because he was taking this waaay too seriously.
But something about his earnestness made me drop my guard a little bit and really listen to what Tommy told me.
As I played, I followed his guidance, even when I thought I knew better on a couple of points. And guess what?
On the first nine holes, I was 1 over par!
Now – I am not a good golfer. I am a 10 index. So to say I was highly encouraged at this point would be an understatement. I thought Tommy was the messiah, my personal golf guru that suddenly transformed me into a scratch golfer with his sage wisdom.
But of course, I had to screw it up.
At the turn, my “friends” started getting into my head. On the 10th hole, I missed my drive. I felt the old me return, telling myself that I had just gotten super lucky on the first nine and that no matter what I was going to lose this round.
Tommy could see my spirit dwindle. He pulled me aside and said, “Forget about them. Forget about you. This is about not being a sissy. It is about attacking the damn golf course and having fun while doing it.”
Once again, this master of the human psyche — my “golf sherpa” — knew exactly what to say and do to break me out of my funk.
I did not achieve my dream of breaking 80 at Pebble Beach that day. But I did shoot an amazing (for me) score of 82. All thanks to having a guide who was experienced, knew all the problems I might run into, and could quickly get me back on course.
Tommy had “been there and done that,” and that is what made him so valuable as a caddy.
Volohaus – The Revenue Sherpa
Tommy made me realize a few things about my business, Volohaus. Namely, that there were some parallels in the way we worked.
First, Volohaus has walked the process of building a business into a revenue-making machine hundreds of times. We have been there, done that. We are experts because of this experience. And just like Tommy, we will never ask you to do something which you cannot do.
But, if you trust us to lead you, YOU WILL WIN and accomplish more than you ever thought possible with your business.
In a sense, Volohaus is the Revenue Sherpa, leading the way through treacherous obstacles to get your Plan, People, Process and Platform in place and making you money. We know the traps, and will help you avoid them.
We just had 17 clients make the Inc. 5000 list. Nothing would make me happier than to have 100 clients on that list, including you.
Ready to take a swing at making more money? Call me at 760.815.4464 or drop me a line at Let’s go!
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