My Blog

with small media

    Do You Need a Coach? Good Revenue Coaching Yields $1 BILLION in New Business

    503 401 Shaun Alger

    I was in Vegas a few weeks ago, mixing a little business with pleasure. Saw The Chainsmokers at XS – amazing show. Anyway, I was hanging out with some very successful guys, and the topic of coaching came up. A spirited debate ensued as to whether coaching had the most…

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    The Primary Predictor of Your Company’s Sales Health

    2200 1430 Shaun Alger

    I recently went in for my annual checkup. After noting my weight, height, pulse, pressure, and blood work, my doctor gave me a clean bill of health. I am fortunate, as a lot of guys in their forties start to experience health issues at this point in their lives. However,…

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    Lessons from my Pebble Beach Caddy

    1024 768 Shaun Alger

    Golf caddies. Most people view them either as teenagers looking to earn a few tips during the summer, or as a luxury only pro golfers use. Recently, I played a round at Pebble Beach with some friend-clients. We got this caddy, Tommy. He’s a local legend, having been a caddy…

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    Volohaus Helps 17 Clients Earn Spots on Inc. 5000 List

    1196 844 Shaun Alger

    “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” —Albert Einstein Volohaus just had something very cool happen to us as a company. Quite a few of our clients earned a spot on the Inc. 5000 list for 2016. Seventeen of them,…

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