My Blog

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    A Personal Tribute to a Real American Hero

    800 600 Shaun Alger

    For over 18 years, I have been friends with Marine Colonel, former Blue Angel, and Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 101 (VMFAT-101) Commanding Officer (managing all F-18 jets) Nathan Miller. I was blessed to witness his retirement ceremony aboard the USS Midway, after 27 years of service to our great country.…

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    How to Use Process, Tools & Culture to Attract and Retain Talent

    1029 668 Shaun Alger

    As many of you have experienced, employee attraction & retention is getting to be a major pain in the butt. The “normal” way of doing things is no longer held sacred by the current workforce. The pandemic has shown people that they have choices—and they are exercising their power to…

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    Are “Good Vibes” the Key to More Sales?

    1046 698 Shaun Alger

    A lot of Hollywood films and TV shows portray the rich salesperson as the ultimate D-bag. You know the type—fast talking, slimy, full of bad personal habits. But in reality, I have met zero long-term successes in business who were truly jerks. Real jerks tend to burn out after a…

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    The Key to Exponential Growth and a Sellable Company

    1476 920 Shaun Alger

    What would happen to your life as a business owner/CEO if your company experienced real, exponential growth? I’ve talked about the Revenue Flywheel concept before—meaning that small, incremental improvements in an organization’s sales, marketing, hiring process, platforms, training and other important areas can “move a heavy flywheel” until it starts…

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