Masonry Blog

with 3 Columns
    Sales: Train to Win Like a Champ
    266 400 Shaun Alger

    Like boxing, selling is a contact sport; in both professions triumph depends on strategic, repetitive and effective connects with another person. While the contact is relational and psychological for the…

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    Stop Wasting Time: The Efficiency of Effectiveness in Sales
    266 400 Shaun Alger

    Between phone calls, meetings, professional development, presentations, research, paperwork and networking (not to mention time sucks like Facebook), salespeople can spin their wheels for hours — only to realize that…

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    Post Single Image
    150 150 Shaun Alger

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eros dolores omittantur eum ex, ne mea soluta putant constituam, quod patrioque mei et. Intellegat expetendis ne pri, has ea inani denique cotidieque. Amet harum…

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    Post With Slider
    150 150 Shaun Alger

    Duo unum eius nonumes ex. Mel soleat habemus honestatis ex. Sit ea apeirian inimicus, mea veri semper petentium ex, no illum alienum tibique mea. Propriae reformidans definitiones his ea, pro…

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    The Only Thing a Salesperson Can Control: Sales Activity
    265 400 Shaun Alger

    Pity the many salespeople who set off each morning with high hopes of beating their quotas (or even meeting them), only to lose steam by lunchtime as — despite their…

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    Give Before You Get: The Mantra for Better Sales
    400 264 Shaun Alger

    Everyone knows the stereotype of typical salespeople: aggressive, slick “type As” who won’t take no for an answer and always “get over” on the people they are selling to. Unfortunately,…

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    Be the Viagra of Sales
    400 400 Shaun Alger

    Viagra is touted for making powerhouses in the bedroom. If only there was a Viagra for each area of life, like business. Just pop a pill and…voila! But we all…

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    Marketing is Dead: Long Live Lead Generation
    400 266 Shaun Alger

    Before marketers get all in a tizzy over the headline, let me clarify. First, I am a marketer, so I am not advocating putting me out of business. But, I…

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    Dealing with Low Performers in Sales: Are You Too Harsh?
    400 266 Shaun Alger

    Sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts, a salesperson just isn’t cutting it. The approaches to solve this vary, but they tend to be extreme on both ends of the spectrum: either…

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    Why 50 to 70 Percent of Salespeople Stink
    265 400 Shaun Alger

    Received this in the mail this week. Thought I would share it (with Jerry’s permission) as it illuminates exactly what is wrong with most salespeople. “We all sell something in…

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