My Blog

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    How to solve the revenue gap in your company

    1560 1162 Shaun Alger

    How’s your first quarter going? Set to meet or exceed projections? If so, GREAT! If not, read on. Revenue gap is the difference between what you need and what your sales funnel says you’re going to actually bring in for a given time period. ACTUAL, BOOKED or REALIZED revenue varies by industry. For example, you may…

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    Do you own a business? Or…. A Job ?!?

    1029 686 Shaun Alger

    Lori Grenier from Shark Tank famously noted that “Entrepreneurs are willing to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week.” I know this to be true from personal experience and from working with a lot of business owners. I recently met with a company, brought in by their investment banker. They…

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    6 Steps to Stick to Your New Year’s Diet (and meet your Revenue Goals!)

    576 384 Shaun Alger

    It’s a New Year! That means that health clubs are about to get PACKED with people who have resolved to lose weight. Sadly, most of these folks will quit by February and go back to their old couch potato or over-indulging habits. Why is it SO HARD to stick to our carefully thought-out New Year’s…

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    How to Achieve Abundance in Your Life and Business in 2022.

    1280 720 Shaun Alger

    Abundance in your life and business is a wonderful thing. It’s wonderful for you, and it’s wonderful for me. The economy hums, business is good, the kids are taken care of. It’s pretty close to perfect when things are abundant — and highly stressful when they aren’t. Look at the shortages and rising prices many…

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