My Blog

with small media

    Summer Spool Up

    960 640 Shaun Alger

    Wasn’t it just January? Now we are halfway through the year. It seems like the kids just started school – and now we are scrambling to find summer stuff to do.  Holy crap where has time gone? I hope your time is flying fast because you are making so much…

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    Is there a Sales Moneyball?

    1280 853 Shaun Alger

    Plenty has been written about Billy Beane and his adoption of sabermetrics which lead to the Oakland Athletics’ remarkable 20-game winning streak in 2002. But I am going to write about it again, because it is very pertinent to making money and becoming successful. For those who don’t know the…

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    The elusive sales honey pot

    1121 627 Shaun Alger

    I had lunch with a client recently where he mentioned the “elusive sales honey pot,” that asset or process which stands out and irresistibly attracts a steady stream of buyers. We talked about how the way to create it has changed from when he first started as a marketer and…

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    You know what winners do? WIN

    906 999 Shaun Alger

    This is a pic of Grandpa Virgil. Virgil Kane to be precise. Virgil is my wife’s grandfather. He was born in 1922. Most of his childhood and teen years were spent enduring the Great Depression while living in company housing at a copper mine in Jerome, AZ. As a young…

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