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    Authority Selling: Don’t Like Me? Who Cares? You Will Buy Because You Respect Me

    295 232 Shaun Alger

    Don’t Like Me? Who Cares? You Will Buy Because You Respect Me A lot has been written about building rapport and getting prospects to like you when selling them. This is all well and good, but it has led to, in my experience, an excessive swing towards being all buddy-buddy with total strangers. What is…

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    How to Sell to Top Influencers

    296 221 Shaun Alger

    How would you like to pitch one person and get steady, repeated sales from many people from this? Rhetorical question, of course. The secret to achieve this is to sell to “influencers,” otherwise known as “opinion leaders” — those personalities whose popularity and influence can shift audience taste and demand in large numbers. With an…

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    Dumb Sh&# Sales Managers Say

    293 195 Shaun Alger

    The only thing worse than a poorly performing sales team is an idiot manager whose constant delivery of counterproductive messages is the primary cause of the sales team’s failure. There, I said it. Not to let bad salespeople off the hook, but sometimes sales leaders are incompetent coaches who bark out dumb goals and even…

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    Hire Sales Athletes and Win!

    196 295 Shaun Alger

    With awe-inspiring performances and unbreakable spirit, athletes are spectacular sellers. Pitchman Michael Jordan sold millions of gym shoes and briefs for Nike and Hanes. Blake Griffin made KIAs cool. Olympian Michael Phelps made Subway meals seem like nectar of the gods. The classic Converses hawked by Larry Bird and Magic? They are still in high…

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