My Blog

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    Be the Viagra of Sales

    400 400 Shaun Alger

    Viagra is touted for making powerhouses in the bedroom. If only there was a Viagra for each area of life, like business. Just pop a pill and…voila! But we all know it’s not that easy. Making big money takes work. Still, sales can be sexy…right? If sales has become a grind for you and your…

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    Marketing is Dead: Long Live Lead Generation

    400 266 Shaun Alger

    Before marketers get all in a tizzy over the headline, let me clarify. First, I am a marketer, so I am not advocating putting me out of business. But, I think marketers would perform better if they repeated a single mantra while when building and executing a campaign: “My job is to generate leads.” Not:…

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    Dealing with Low Performers in Sales: Are You Too Harsh?

    400 266 Shaun Alger

    Sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts, a salesperson just isn’t cutting it. The approaches to solve this vary, but they tend to be extreme on both ends of the spectrum: either too harsh, or too soft. When it comes to dealing with subpar performers, the best approach is usually to get to the point and act…

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    Why 50 to 70 Percent of Salespeople Stink

    265 400 Shaun Alger

    Received this in the mail this week. Thought I would share it (with Jerry’s permission) as it illuminates exactly what is wrong with most salespeople. “We all sell something in business. When I see the amounts of money spent on marketing every year, and then look at what happens with leads once a company receives…

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