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with large media

    Post Single Image

    150 150 Shaun Alger

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eros dolores omittantur eum ex, ne mea soluta putant constituam, quod patrioque mei et. Intellegat expetendis ne pri, has ea inani denique cotidieque. Amet harum pericula et est, qui ea utamur oblique meliore, duo et illum constituto. Dicta meliore mediocritatem ut vis, duo idque discere labores ut. Verear complectitur mea…

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    Post With Slider

    150 150 Shaun Alger

    Duo unum eius nonumes ex. Mel soleat habemus honestatis ex. Sit ea apeirian inimicus, mea veri semper petentium ex, no illum alienum tibique mea. Propriae reformidans definitiones his ea, pro eu hinc eloquentiam. Delectus voluptaria no nam. Essent melius maiorum ius ea, te omnesque disputationi qui, sed at vocibus efficiendi. At sed ridens cotidieque liberavisse,…

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    The Only Thing a Salesperson Can Control: Sales Activity

    265 400 Shaun Alger

    Pity the many salespeople who set off each morning with high hopes of beating their quotas (or even meeting them), only to lose steam by lunchtime as — despite their best efforts — nothing seems to be happening. No sales. No new leads. Not even a returned call or email. Nada. The first tendency is…

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    Give Before You Get: The Mantra for Better Sales

    400 264 Shaun Alger

    Everyone knows the stereotype of typical salespeople: aggressive, slick “type As” who won’t take no for an answer and always “get over” on the people they are selling to. Unfortunately, stereotypes are often based on truth, and there are still — to this day — jerks in the sales profession that bully, use shady tactics,…

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