My Blog

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    You are sick, dummy! Call a (revenue) doctor!

    400 229 Shaun Alger

    I keep finding my clients do not know they are sick. There is an old expression: “whistling past the graveyard.” It means to display a false sense of confidence in the face of a dire situation. Too many times, I get called in to consult when it is almost too late because owners or execs…

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    How to Develop Sales Grit and Live Life Like a Marathon, Not a Sprint.

    1024 1024 Shaun Alger

    “I want our whole organization to show off how to overcome stuff … I want us to demonstrate resilience, which is one of the foundations of grit. We’re going to demonstrate it, just like we demonstrated the resilience to win.” So said Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll in a recent Sports Illustrated article just…

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    Sales: Train to Win Like a Champ

    266 400 Shaun Alger

    Like boxing, selling is a contact sport; in both professions triumph depends on strategic, repetitive and effective connects with another person. While the contact is relational and psychological for the salesperson, like a boxer, salespeople should consider each contact with a client a punch designed to wear down the customer’s defenses so that he is…

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    Stop Wasting Time: The Efficiency of Effectiveness in Sales

    266 400 Shaun Alger

    Between phone calls, meetings, professional development, presentations, research, paperwork and networking (not to mention time sucks like Facebook), salespeople can spin their wheels for hours — only to realize that they’ve produced absolutely nothing by the end of the day. Results happen only when you can distinguish between “being busy” and actually doing something to…

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